- Student Forum Travel Awards
- The American Sociological Association is making funds available for students to attend the annual ASA meeting, where various resources for both graduate and undergraduate sociology students will be provided. These include valuable networking opportunities and professional development training.
- These awards will be made on a competitive basis and are meant to assist students by defraying the expenses associated with attending the ASA Annual Meeting. All applicants are encouraged to seek additional sources of funding to cover expenses associated with attending the Annual Meeting.
- Applicants musts be students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate sociology degree in an academic institution and a current student member of ASA at the time of application. Participation in the Annual Meeting program (e.g., paper sessions, roundtables), purpose for attending (e.g., workshop training, Honors Program participation), student financial need, availability of other forms of support, matching funds, and potential benefit to the student are among the factors taken into account in making awards.
- ASA anticipates granting approximately 25 travel awards in the amount of $225 each. The deadline is April 1 and students can find more information by emailing or visiting this site. A copy of the application can be found here.
- American Sociological Association – Minority Fellowship Program
- Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowships for Minorities
- Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowships for Minorities
- Jacob Javits Fellowship Program
- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Phi Kappa Phi Graduate Fellowships
- Graduate Fellowship Information
- The Rotary Foundation
- The Rotary Foundation accepts applications for the fully-funded Rotary Peace Fellowship. The fellowship provides academic and practical training to prepare scholars for leadership roles in solving today’s global challenges.
- Up to 100 fellows are selected globally every year to earn either a master’s degree or a professional development certificate in peace and conflict studies at one of six Rotary Peace Centers at leading universities in Australia, England, Japan, the United States, Sweden, and Thailand.
- All applications are due in the spring. To find more information, click here.