Anthropology is the study of human beings, past and present. To understand the full sweep and complexity of cultures across all of human history, anthropology draws and builds upon knowledge from the social and biological sciences as well as the humanities and physical sciences. A central concern of anthropologists is the application of knowledge to the solution of human problems. Anthropology has four main areas of focus: sociocultural anthropology, biological anthropology, archaeology, and linguistic anthropology.
The major requires eleven anthropology and sociology courses: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (ANT 110), a second subfield introductory course, a theory course, two methods courses, four courses from the departmental ANT options (at least three of which must be at the 300- or 400-level), and a capstone. All majors must also take STA 115, STA 215, or PHL 120 as part of their College Core quantitative reasoning or world views and ways of knowing requirement.
Major Requirements
College Core Quantitative Requirement (1 course unit)
All TCNJ students must take a course in mathematics as part of their general education requirements. We specify that anthropology majors choose one of the following options:
- Option 1: Statistics (STA 115, C minimum)
- Option 2: Statistical Inference (STA 215, C minimum)
- Option 3: Intro to Logic (PHL 120, C minimum)
Core Courses (3 course units)
Students must earn the grade minimum in prerequisite courses (as noted below) before they may register for department core courses.
ANT 110 – Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
A survey of the major concepts of social-cultural anthropology. Cross-cultural comparison will be a central concern of the course, as will the process of cultural change.
Grade Minimum: C
SOC 301 – Development of Socio-Cultural Theory
Prerequisite: ANT 110
Must be taken at The College of New Jersey during fall or spring semester
The response of social theorists to the consequences of the Industrial Revolution and the issues of capitalism, secularism, industrialism, modern consciousness, and the socio-critical enterprise, is seen through the work of such theorists as Marx, Durkheim, and Weber. The contemporary development of these theories will also be discussed.
Grade Minimum: C
Senior Capstone in Anthropology
(Must be taken at The College of New Jersey during fall or spring semester)
Prerequisites: SOC 301, two methods courses from among the following: Quantitative Methods course (SOC 302), Advanced Language study or approved study abroad experience, ANT 361 Human Osteology & Forensic Anthropology, ANT 363 Archaeological Field Methods or approved field school experience, ANT 390 Research Course in Anthropology or ANT 401 Tutorial: Urban Ethnography.
Choose one of the following options:
- Option 1: Senior Capstone Internship (ANT 398, .5 units) + Senior Seminar in Anthropology (ANT 499, .5 units)
- Option 2: Senior Capstone Research (ANT 493) [preceded by ANT 393 which counts as one of the ANT Department options]
Grade Minimum: C-
Second Subfield Introductory Course (1 course unit)
Choose one of the following options:
- Option 1: Introduction to Biological Anthropology (ANT 111)
- Option 2: Introduction to Archaeology (ANT 112)
- Option 3: Language and Culture (ANT 213)
Grade Minimum: C
Methods Courses (2 course units)
Choose two of the following options:
- Quantitative Research Methods (SOC 302)*
Prereq: STA 115 or 215 AND ANT 110 - Advanced Language Study (200, 300, or 400 level)*
- Study Abroad Experience (semester-length with prior approval)
- Human Osteology & Forensic Anthropology (ANT 361)*
- Archaeological Field Methods (ANT 363) or other approved field school experience
- Research Course in Anthropology (ANT 390)*
- Urban Ethnography (ANT 401)*
*Grade Minimum: C
Department Option (4 course units)
Anthropology majors select 4 additional courses from our department offerings, with at least 3 selected from the 300 or 400 course levels. Additional courses can be approved in consultation with the department chair.
Current course offerings include:
- Intro. to Biological Anthropology (ANT 111)
- Intro. to Archaeology (ANT 112)
- Contemporary Japan (ANT 171/JPN 171)
- Language and Culture: Intro. to Linguistic Anthropology (ANT 213)
- Special Topics in Anthropology (ANT 270)
- Gender and Language (ANT 271/WGS 271/WLC 271)
- Human Evolution (ANT 305)
- Gender and Migration (ANT 311/WGS 311)
- Vampires, Werewolves & Witches (ANT 313)
- Ethnicity, Race & Nation (ANT 315)
- Global Urbanization (ANT 335)
- Food, Biology, and Culture (ANT 337)
- Social Change in Latin America (ANT 340)
- Environmental Anthropology (ANT 341)
- Climate Justice and Social Action (ANT/SOC 346)
- Race & Gender in Latin America (ANT 350)
- Native American Resistance & American Colonialism: From Conquest to Standing Rock (ANT 355)
- Human Osteology and Forensic Anthropology (ANT 361)
- Archaeological Field Methods (ANT 363)
- Topics in Anthropology (topic varies; ANT 370)
- Culture, Health, and Illness (ANT/SOC 371)
- Global Public Health (ANT/SOC 372)
- Public Health & Social Policy (ANT/SOC 373)
- Research Course in Anthropology (ANT 390)
- Independent Study in Anthropology (ANT 391)
- Internship in Anthropology (ANT 399)
- Urban Ethnography (ANT 401)
Interested in adding Anthropology as a major or double major? All you need to do is meet with the Department chair and download and fill out this form
Course Descriptions: Anthropology and Sociology
No more than three (3) courses toward the major may be taken at other institutions.